PRōZE 101 – What Is CBD Used For?

This month on the blog we have been giving a bit of a CBD crash course for our readers. Last time on the blog we talked at length about what CBD is made from and how we extract it, and next time we are going to look at the different ways you can use CBD […]

PRōZE 101 – What is CBD?

You may have spotted “CBD”in the media, hey you have probably seen it at your local smoothie or coffee shops as add-in “boosters”. Now that CBD has caught your eye, what exactly is it and its claim to fame? Well we all know about marijuana, that psychoactive drug that triggers a notorious “high”when smoked or ingested. The main […]

PRōZE 101 – How to Use CBD To Increase Your Performance

This month on the blog we have been talking a lot about the basics of CBD, how it’s made and how it can help you. We want to make sure our readers have a solid foundation of knowledge, there’s a lot of myths and misinformation out there. We’re all about sharing the knowledge, and knowledge […]