Vegetable Oils

My mom loved to cook with Canola Oil..  My mom, as most Indians, love to cook with Canola Oil. When I would tell her that it was unhealthy (very gently), she’d point to the “vegetable” in vegetable oil and tell me to get out of her kitchen. There is just something disarming about words like […]

Post-COVID Nutrition

Whatcha gonna do..whatcha gonna do…when it comes for you!  Nausea, headache on Wednesday night, full blow aches/pains/headache/fever on Thursday, tested on Friday (best to test 2-days after symptoms), YEP…COVID confirmed. Friday morning, I felt better (only felt fatigue)…on Saturday I was back to working out. Not sure if it was Delta, Gamma, Omicron or one […]

Apple Cider Vinegar

Spoiler Alert: Apple Cider Vinegar doesn’t taste like Apples! Whether it’s grassy smoothies, chalky proteins, or bitter teas, it seems the more unpleasant tasting a “health craze” is, the more people want to do it! Taking a shot of sour, “spoiled” Apple Cider Vinegar is one trend that seems to have fallen right in-line.  The […]

Stevia & Weight Loss

“Diet drinks are associated with weight gain, new research suggests” – Washington Post Whaaat? Wait, I thought all those 0 Calorie, No Sugar, guilt free seltzers, sodas, and vitamin waters I was guzzling down were keeping me shapely in my skinny jeans? (kidding, I could never get those skinny jeans past my ankles). No calorie […]

#1 Nutrient – FIBER!

I get it, it’s NOT sexy. You’d rather have some exotic superfruit, ancient spice, or Amazonian plant, but there is no other nutrient more important to focus on each day than FIBER. Weight loss, diabetes, heart health, cancer, you name it, eating more Fiber has shown to SIGNIFICANTLY improve your health in all these areas. […]

Exercising The Brain

It’s easy to see the results of exercise on your hips, stomach…and biceps. But what’s less visible, but even more important, is the huge influence it has on your brain. The structure of the brain, how it functions, the repair, the growth, how it adapts to stress are all enhanced by physical exercise. Finishing a […]

Juice Cleanses

It’s all the rage, from celebrities to internet fitness guru’s, juice your way out of illness or into those skinny jeans (does anyone wear those anymore?!?). Seems logical, take the two most powerful food groups, fruits and vegetables (the latter most people don’t like to eat), and squeeze them into a palatable tasting glass or […]

Too Much Fruit

Seems like if there is one truth in all nutritional science and mothers-around-the-world advice, it’s; eat your fruits and vegetables. However, some people hear, “you can choose, fruits and vegetables are the same”…ahh, they are not. Fruits have a LOT more sugar than veggies. And we all know that too much sugar is bad for […]

Healthy Eggnog

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Clark & Cousin Eddie, a moose cup filled with eggnog, and turtlenecks, ahh it’s Christmas! Eggnog is a bit “iffy” though. Sure, my parents would make it without the alcohol, but it just seemed so wrong, raw eggs, yolks, what else is even in there?! But when you really “sip” into […]

Intermittent Fasting

Eat Within A Window…Then Close It!  I first read about Intermittent Fasting (IF) in the book, The Circadian Code, written by Dr. Sachin Panda.  Deeply rooted in Eastern philosophies of medicine, especially Ayurveda, the concept is quite simple.  IF involves eating within certain time periods and allowing your body and systems a true rest between […]