How to Make CBD Tinctures

Here at PRōZE we are all about giving our PRōs the tools they need to live their lives to the absolute max. That means offering dope products to help give calm/focus/chill/relief/good vibes or as is this case with our higher education blogs, giving them information to help them take control. This time on PRōZE  we […]


When you hear hemp what comes to mind? Lucid colors, the pointed canabis leaf, the 70s and the quite fashionable bellbottoms embroidred with flowers? All these things that remind us of Marijuana. Well, I am here to enlighten you, the hemp in your mother’s lotion is in fact not the same as the weed your friends […]


When talking about CBD there are three different kinds: full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate. These spectrums refer to the chemicals that are included in each type of CBD. So, let’s spill the tea.  Full Spectrum  Full spectrum CBD contains CBD and other natural plant components such as terpenes, flavonoids, which are phytonutrients of the […]


You may have seen your favorite Instagram influencer use or promote beauty products that include hemp or CBD. As more brands include these ingredients in their skin care lines it starts the conversation on how does it work, or does it even do anything? At the moment, there is still A TON of research to […]


So you’re brand new to CBD, you’ve heard all about it’s benefits and the wonderful experiences that your friends and family are enjoying, but you have no idea how to take it or the best way it fits your needs.  Well, you’re not alone. It can get really complicated because there are so many forms […]


Many people have been confused or do not know the major difference between CBD and THC. Does CBD get me high? Is CBD marijuana? Will CBD show up on my drug test? It is said that confusion is the first step towards clarity, so we are on our way. Let us first clarify what is […]

PRōZE 101 – What is CBD?

You may have spotted “CBD”in the media, hey you have probably seen it at your local smoothie or coffee shops as add-in “boosters”. Now that CBD has caught your eye, what exactly is it and its claim to fame? Well we all know about marijuana, that psychoactive drug that triggers a notorious “high”when smoked or ingested. The main […]